Case Studies

Project Showcase

Sonar Deployment Device

LE Williams encountered a daunting task: reverse engineering an outdated sonar deployment device affected by severe corrosion. This corrosion hindered the Navy vessel's operational readiness and mission accomplishment. Extracting the device from a challenging location necessitated removing substantial sections of the vessel's structure. Here’s how we moved forward.

Redesigning a High-Wearing Item for a Pharmaceutical Company

LE Williams was tasked by a pharmaceutical company to redesign a high-wearing item, reducing wear and extending its life. Our innovative solution not only saved costs but also enhanced production efficiency through reduced downtime.

Hydraulic Cylinder Repair for the Navy

LE Williams resolved a recurring hydraulic system failure for the Navy, which multiple contractors couldn't fix. Our engineers swiftly pinpointed the issue, ensuring cylinders functioned correctly, enhancing safety. Here’s what we did next:

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